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(dikemaskini 31 Mac 2020)


1.    Apa dia Coronavirus


Coronavirus adalah sekumpulan virus yang boleh menyebabkan beberapa jenis penyakit seperti batuk selsema biasa dan penyakit-penyakit yang lebih teruk seperti radang paru-paru dan Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).


2.    Apa dia jangkitan virus COVID-19 dan bagaimana ia berjangkit?


COVID-19 adalah penyakit berjangkit yang disebabkan oleh coronavirus yang dinamakan SARS-CoV-2. Ianya baru ditemui dan hanya diketahui selepas berlakunya penyebaran jangkitan penyakit di Wuhan, Wilayah Hubei, Republik Rakyat China pada bulan Disember 2019.


Terdapat bukti yang menunjukkan jangkitan ini boleh berjangkit dari manusia ke manusia melalui cecair pernafasan dari hidung atau mulut apabila seseorang yang dijangkiti COVID-19 itu sedang batuk, bersin atau menghebuskan nafas.  Jangkitan juga boleh berlaku melalui sentuhan dengan cecair tersebut yang mencemari barangan atau permukaan dan yang kemudian menjangkiti melalui sentuhan langsung dengan mata, hidung ataupun mulut.


Kementerian Kesihatan akan terus memantau perkembangan kejadian jangkitan ini. Orang ramai disarankan untuk mengamalkan kebersihan diri dengan baik dan untuk mengikuti perkembangan terkini di laman sesawang rasmi Kementerian Kesihatan dan siaran akhbar, dan melalui media sosial rasmi @mohbrunei.


3.    Apakah tanda-tanda jangkitan virus COVID-19?


Tanda yang paling lazim adalah seperti demam panas, batuk, sakit tekak dan sukar bernafas. Jangkitan yang lebih teruk akan mengakibatkan radang paru-paru serius serta masalah pernafasan yang teruk yang boleh membawa kepada maut, terutamanya di kalangan warga emas dan mereka yang menghidap penyakit kronik.


4.    Berapa lamakah tempoh sebelum munculnya tanda-tanda jangkitan virus COVID-19?


Tempoh masa dari saat seseorang dijangkiti virus hingga ia mula mengalami tanda-tanda jangkitan dipanggil 'tempoh inkubasi'. Selepas dijangkiti virus, tanda-tanda jangkitan boleh mengambil masa hingga 14 hari sebelum muncul, akan tetapi secara lazimnya, ianya dianggar mengambil masa dalam 5 hari.


5.    Apakah rawatan jangkitan virus COVID-19? Adakah terdapat vaksin yang boleh mencegahnya pada masa ini?


Tiada rawatan khusus bagi jangkitan virus COVID-19. Rawatan hanyalah untuk meredakan tanda-tanda jangkitan dan ada sesetengah pesakit boleh sembuh tanpa rawatan. Pada masa ini, tidak ada vaksin yang boleh mencegah jangkitan COVID-19.


6.    Adakah antibiotik berkesan dalam pencegahan atau rawatan jangkitan virus COVID-19?


Tidak. Penggunaan antibiotik adalah tidak berkesan dalam melawan jangkitan virus seperti COVID-19 kerana ia hanya berfungsi untuk merawat jangkitan kuman (bakteria). Antibiotik tidak sepatutnya digunakan untuk pencegahan mahupun rawatan jangkitan virus COVID-19. Antibiotik hanya dapat digunakan mengikut saranan doktor bagi merawat jangkitan kuman (bakteria).


7.    Berapa lamakah virus ini boleh bertahan di sebarang permukaan?


Belum ada kepastian berapa lama virus SARS-CoV-2 boleh bertahan di atas permukaan objek, akan tetapi besar kemungkinan ianya sama seperti coronavirus yang lain. Kajian menunjukkan coronavirus boleh bertahan di atas permukaan objek selama beberapa jam hingga ke beberapa hari. Walau bagaimanapun, ini adalah tertakluk pada keadaan persekitaran seperti jenis permukaan, suhu panas atau tahap kelembapan.


Jika awda mensyaki sesuatu permukaan mungkin telah dicemari, ada baiknya permukaan tersebut dibersihkan dengan disinfektan (cecair pembasmi kuman) untuk membunuh virus dan melindungi diri sendiri serta orang lain. Kerap membasuh tangan dengan sabun dan air atau gunakan pencuci tangan yang mengandungi alcohol (hand sanitiser). Elakkan menyentuh mata, mulut atau hidung awda.


8.    Bolehkah virus ini menjangkiti walaupun awda tidak mempunyai sebarang tanda jangkitan?


Kaedah utama virus ini menjangkiti ialah melalui sedutan cecair yang keluar dari hidung atau mulut ketika seseorang yang dijangkiti batuk atau bersin. Risiko dijangkiti virus dari seseorang yang tidak mempunyai sebarang tanda adalah sangat rendah.


Secara amnya, seperti kebanyakan virus jangkitan pernafasan, risiko seseorang untuk menjangkiti orang lain adalah lebih tinggi apabila mengalami tanda-tanda/gejala. 

9.    Sekiranya saya telah terdedah kepada jangkitan virus COVID-19, berapa lamakah tempoh untuk saya menjadi sakit?


Tempoh masa di antara seseorang terdedah kepada jangkitan virus COVID-19 dan timbulnya tanda-tanda adalah dinamakan sebagai "tempoh inkubasi."  Tempoh inkubasi virus COVID-19 secara lazimnya adalah di antara 2 ke 14 hari; walau bagaimanapun, terdapat juga beberapa kes yang mengambil tempoh yang lebih lama.


10.  Bagaimanakah saya boleh melindungi diri saya?


Amalkan penjagaan kebersihan diri seperti menutup mulut dan hidung menggunakan tisu apabila awda batuk atau bersin; buang dengan segera ke dalam tong sampah yang tertutup dan seterusnya cuci tangan dengan sempurna selalu. Sebolehnya, amalkan penjarakkan sosial dan elakkan berhampiran (dalam lingkungan lebih dari 1 meter) dengan sesiapa yang menunjukkan sebarang tanda jangkitan pernafasan seperti batuk dan selsema.


  • Kerap mencuci tangan

    Kerap mencuci tangan awda dengan sempurna menggunakan hand sanitiser yang mengandungi alkohol atau menggunakan sabun dan air. Cara ini boleh membunuh virus yang mungkin ada di tangan awda.
  • Mengamalkan penjarakkan sosial

    Amalkan jarak sekurang-kurangnya 2 meter (m) di antara awda dan sesiapa yang batuk atau bersin.  Apabila seseorang batuk atau bersin, titisan cecair yang mungkin mengandungi virus dari hidung atau mulut mereka akan tersembur.  Jika awda terlalu dekat, awda lebih mudah tersedut semburan tersebut, termasuk virus COVID-19 jika orang yang batuk itu telah dijangkiti penyakit tersebut.
  • Elakkan menyentuh mata, hidung dan mulut

    Tangan kita sering menyentuh banyak permukaan objek dan seterusnya boleh dijangkiti virus. Apabila dicemari, tangan kita boleh memindahkan virus ke mata, hidung atau mulut. Dari sanalah virus boleh masuk ke dalam badan kita dan menyebabkan kita jatuh sakit.
  • Amalkan kebersihan pernafasan dan etika batuk yang betul

Pastikan awda dan orang di sekeliling mengamalkan kebersihan pernafasan yang baik serta beretika.  Ini bermaksud menutup mulut dan hidung ke dalam lipatan siku atau menggunakan tisu apabila awda batuk atau bersin.  Kemudian buang tisu yang kotor ke dalam tong sampah yang tertutup dengan segera. Titisan cecair menyebabkan virus merebak. Dengan mengamalkan kebersihan pernafasan yang baik, awda boleh melindungi orang di sekeliling daripada virus. 


(updated 27 March 2020)


1.    What are coronaviruses?

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as pneumonia and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). 


2.    What is COVID-19 and how does it spread?

COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the recently discovered coronavirus. It is caused by the new virus which is unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.

Evidence has shown that the disease can spread from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth which are spread when a person with COVID-19 coughs, sneezes or exhales. These droplets may also land on objects and surfaces around the person from where other people can catch the COVID-19 virus by touching these objects or surfaces, then touching their eyes, nose or mouth. 

The Ministry of Health is actively monitoring the evolving situation.  The public is advised to remain vigilant, maintain good personal hygiene and to keep abreast with the latest updates from the Ministry of Health website and press releases, and via our official Instagram page @mohbrunei.  


3.    What are the symptoms of the COVID-19?

Typical symptoms of COVID-19 may include fever, cough, sore throat and shortness of breath. In more severe infection, it can result in severe chest infection leading to acute respiratory distress or even death, particularly in the elderly and those with chronic medical problems.


4.    How long do symptoms take to develop?

The time between catching the virus and the beginning of having symptoms is called the 'incubation period.'  It may take up to 14 days before you develop any symptoms but estimated to be most commonly around 5 days.


5.    What is the treatment of COVID-19? Is there any vaccine?

There is no specific treatment. Treatment is based on the symptoms of the patient and some may recover without treatment. There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19 infection.


6.    Are antibiotics effective in preventing or treating the COVID-19?

No. Antibiotics are not effective against viruses such as COVID-19 as they only work on bacterial infections. Antibiotics should not be used as a means of prevention or treatment of COVID-19 infections. They should only be used as directed by a doctor/physician to treat a bacterial infection.


7.    How long does the virus survive on surfaces?

It is not certain how long the virus that causes COVID-19 survives on surfaces, but it seems to behave like other coronaviruses. Studies suggest that coronaviruses may persist on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days. This may vary under different conditions (e.g. type of surface, temperature or humidity of the environment). 

If you think a surface may be contaminated, it is probably worthwhile to clean it with simple disinfectant to kill the virus and protect yourself and others. Clean your hands by washing with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand rub.  Avoid touching your eyes, mouth or nose

8.    Can the virus spread even if you are not showing any symptoms?

The main way the COVID-19 virus spread is through droplets coming out from someone who is coughing or sneezing.  The risk of catching the virus from someone who does not have symptoms appears to be very low.  Generally speaking, with most respiratory viruses, people are thought to be most contagious when they are most symptomatic. (

9.    If I were exposed to COVID-19, how long would it take for me to become sick?

The time between exposure to the COVID-19 virus and onset of symptoms is called the "incubation period." The incubation period for COVID-19 is typically 2 to 14 days, although in some cases it may be longer.


10.          How can I protect myself?

Practice simple hygiene by covering your mouth and nose with a tissue paper when you cough or sneeze; throw away the tissue paper immediately and wash your hands thoroughly and regularly. If possible, adopt social distancing and avoid close contact (within ~1m) with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing.

  • Wash your hands frequently 

Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands.

  • Maintain social distancing
Maintain at least 2 metres distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. When someone coughs or sneezes, small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain virus are sprayed. If you are too close, you can breathe in the droplets, including the COVID-19 virus if the person coughing has the disease.

  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick.

  • Practice respiratory hygiene
Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately. Droplets spread virus. By following good respiratory hygiene, you protect the people around you from viruses such as cold, flu and COVID-19.

  • If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early

Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call the Health Advice Line 148 for further advice. You are advised to wear a surgical mask when you go to the nearest health facility.  


11.          What is the latest statistics and situation regarding the Coronavirus?

You can get the latest global statistics and situation on COVID-19 from the World Health Organisation (WHO) COVID-19 Situation Report here:

Brunei Darussalam recorded its first COVID-19 case on the 9th March 2020.  For the latest statistics and press releases, you can visit here:


12.          Who is eligible for the COVID-19 testing at the moment? Is this test chargeable e.g. for foreigners?

At present, any citizen and permanent resident of Brunei Darussalam or foreigner within the country is eligible for the COVID-19 testing (free of charge) if they meet any of the following:

  • Close contacts of confirmed cases - they include household members, those who shared meals with you or attended a close family gathering with you, those who were with you in an enclosed room for 30 minutes or more and those who are working in close proximity or sharing work space with you.
  • Those who have a travel history to affected countries in the last 14 days and have developed fever and/or respiratory symptoms.

    Note: The Ministry of Health will inform of any changes with the evolving situation.


13.          I was tested/swabbed yesterday for the COVID-19 but I have not been called and I am worried. When will I know my result?

Our laboratory personnel are currently working hard to run so many tests in a short period of time. Hence, it may take up to a day or more to get your results. You may contact 148 to check your results after at least 3 days by leaving your name, BN or IC number and contact details and the relevant MOH team will try to get back to you. If you are well, please just monitor your health and ensure you maintain good personal hygiene and practise social distancing.


14.          What is the reason for initial negative results for COVID-19 test turning positive later?

There are several reasons why some people have tested positive after initially testing negative. For instance, it can be considered that, even if a person is infected with COVID-19, that person might test negative as the number of virus particles (viral load) has not increased enough to exceed the minimum limit of detection at the initial stage of infection. However, after several days, the number of virus particles (viral load) would have sufficiently increased that when the test is taken again, that person could now be positive.


15.          Who are prone to develop severe conditions?

Currently, only limited information is available. The risk is thought to be higher for the elderly and people with chronic medical conditions, as is the case with other types of pneumonia. A report says that approximately one-third to one-half of reported patients had underlying medical comorbidities, including diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease.

It is advisable for senior citizens and patients with chronic diseases to take extra precautions, such as avoiding crowded places and public transportation, in addition to daily precautionary measures.


16.          Are discharged COVID-19 patients infectious? 

No. COVID-19 patients in are discharged only when they are fully recovered and after they tested negative twice. Prior to discharge, two swab tests at least 24 hours apart are done, using nasal or throat swabs. Doctors may also conduct tests with fecal or urine samples. Tests on consecutive days have to be negative before patients can be discharged.


17.          I am worried that I have been in contact with a confirmed case, what should I do?

Contact tracing would have been done by a team from the Ministry of Health (MOH) to identify close contacts of the confirmed cases.  This is to determine if the nature of contact poses risk of virus transmission.  If you have been identified as a close contact of the confirmed case, you will be advised on the measures that you should take i.e. in this case you will be asked to go for testing and will have to undergo self-isolation (under quarantine order).

Close contacts are defined as: (i) anyone who has had close contact with a confirmed case within about 1 metre distance for at least 30 minutes in an enclosed area or; (ii) anyone who has stayed at the same place (e.g. household, office space, social gathering) as a confirmed case. The health status of all close contacts will be monitored closely for 14 days from their last exposure to the patient.


Transient or casual contacts can be described as anyone who has interacted with the confirmed case for short periods of time, such as passing by each other in the corridor or being on the same public transport or in the same public spaces transiently. The risk of infection from a transient contact is assessed to be low.  In this case, you would be advised to monitor your health closely. If you become unwell with fever or respiratory symptoms (such as cough, runny nose, shortness of breath), call the Health Advice Line 148 for further advice on where you should go to seek medical attention in this case. 


18.          I was at a dinner with someone who was in contact with a confirmed case, do I need to be tested?

It depends on how long and how close the contact was to the confirmed case i.e. if he or she was in close proximity (about 1 metre or less for at least 30 minutes) to the confirmed case.  If the contact is identified to be a close contact, he or she is at a higher risk of getting the infected and would have been tested. 

In this particular case, you are only a 'contact of a contact' or also called the secondary contact.  The risk of getting the infection at this point is assessed to be low and therefore you will not need to be tested or swabbed.  However, as a precautionary measure, you would still be instructed to undergo self-isolation and to monitor your health closely.  If the result of the close contact turns out to be positive or if you develop fever or respiratory symptoms, only then will you be tested.


19.          I worked in the same place as someone who was tested positive, am I at risk and do I need to be tested?

This will depend on whether you have been in close contact (within 1 metre or less) with the person who was tested positive for a period of about 30 minutes or more with the person – then you may be considered at risk and will be asked to go for a test.   

If you only have met him/her for a short time or only spoke briefly or passed by him/her, then your risk of infection is low.  Please monitor your health by checking your temperature twice a day. If you develop fever, cough or any respiratory symptoms, please wear a mask and seek medical attention promptly. Call the Health Advice Line 148 for further advice on where you should go to seek medical attention in this case. 

Please refer to the Procedures for Workplaces in the Event of a Member of Staff being Diagnosed with COVID-19 here:


20.          Are there any guidelines for disinfecting the office as someone here was found to be positive for COVID-19?

Yes, there are guidelines that have been set by MOH. You can get these from our website

Some quick guidance:

    • Ensure workstations are regularly disinfected, including equipment, based on manufacturer's recommendations.
    • All work surfaces should be cleaned at least daily with detergent and water, and disinfectant if necessary (e.g. 1 in 99 diluted household bleach of 5.25% solution).
    • Frequently touched areas such as escalator handrails, lift control panels, door knobs, light switches etc. should be cleaned more often subject to the frequency of use.
    • Hard floor surfaces should be cleaned with wet vacuum system or damp mopping using detergent and water.
    • Clean public toilets at least once a day and as when necessary especially if visibly soiled or presence of an unpleasant odour. Wipe the rim, seat and lid of toilet bowl with 1 in 99 diluted household bleach (5.25%) solution, rinse with water and then wipe dry.
    • Cleaning supervisors should undertake regular monitoring to ensure that hygiene standards are strictly observed.


21.          What are the differences between being placed under Quarantine Order (QO), for self-isolation or self-monitoring?

A QO is a legal order or document issued to individuals under the Infectious Diseases Act (Cap 204) and thus have legal force with severe penalties for non-compliance. A QO is issued to quarantine or isolate an individual who is, or is suspected to be, a carrier of an infectious disease, or a contact of a person confirmed to have an infectious disease. The aim is to limit the spread of the virus in the community. Quarantine usually occurs in the home but can also be served in dedicated government quarantine facilities or hospitals, should the individual not have suitable accommodation.

Self-isolation is a form of quarantine or an advice to stay at home or designated isolation facility for those who had just come back from overseas, those who may be a contact of a contact or those who developed respiratory symptoms but have no travel history or no history of contact. Those placed under self-isolation or Quarantine Order will have to remain in their place of residence or designated isolation facility at all times, and should not invite visitors to their residence or designated isolation facility. They are not supposed to come into contact with others in order to avoid the possibility of the spread of virus through person-to-person contact. Hence, if you are under isolation or quarantine you will need to be isolated and cannot physically interact with others living in the same premises. You should arrange with others such as friends or family, who are not required to be isolated, to get food or other necessities for you. Should you develop symptoms associated with the virus, you will need to seek medical attention immediately. Please call the Health Advice Line 148 for further advice.

Self-isolation is a form of quarantine or an advice to stay at home. Those placed on self-isolation will have to remain in their place of residence at all times, and should not invite visitors to their residence. Those under quarantine are not supposed to come into contact with others in order to avoid the possibility of the spread of virus through person-to-person contact. Hence, those under quarantine will need to be isolated from and cannot physically interact with others living in the same premises. Should your household members display symptoms associated with the virus, they will need to be taken to a hospital and treated as suspect cases. You should arrange with others such as friends or family, who are not required to be isolated to get food or other necessities for you.

Self-monitoring is a precautionary measure, it is less strict than self-isolation. Those who are on self-monitoring should be socially responsible to prevent possible transmission of infections. They should remain in their residences as much as possible, minimise visitors and must know with whom they come into close contact with. They may leave their residences for daily necessities or to attend important matters, but they must minimise time spent in public spaces and contact with others.


22. There have been messages over the phone telling to avoid a certain location as there has been a suspected case reported there. Should I be concerned?

There is no need to avoid a particular location where a suspected or confirmed case was reported to have been. The risk of getting an infection from a transient contact is assessed to be low.  Transient or casual contacts can be described as anyone who has interacted with the confirmed case for short periods of time, such as passing by each other in the corridor or being on the same public transport or in the same public spaces.

In any case, you are advised to maintain self-hygiene and adopt the proper cough etiquette at all times.  If you develop fever or respiratory symptoms, please wear a mask and seek medical attention immediately.


23.  Is it safe for my child to go to school at this time? Do I need to close down for example, a daycare centre if there is someone whose child is a relative/contact to a person with COVID-19 that usually attends the daycare?

If there is a person infected with COVID-19 or a close contact attending the school, they would have been placed on under quarantine order.  Any other measures will be informed by the MOH team through the relevant agency e.g. Ministry of Education etc.

The important message is for everyone to maintain personal hygiene, adopt the proper cough etiquette and maintain social distancing.  If you or your child develop fever or respiratory symptoms, please wear a mask and seek medical attention immediately.

Note: As of 10th March 2020, as a precautionary measure, the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Religious Affairs have announced the commencement date of the first-term school holiday will be changed from 16th March to 11th March 2020.  This is applicable for students only.


24.          Is it safe to bring my children swimming? Do pools have to be closed?

Swimming pools are favorite places for children to go to especially during school holidays. Although there are no specific restrictions about swimming pools in place, the public has been advised not to go to crowded places. Therefore, going to swimming pools currently is not advised as there may be many children and people during this time. 

Note: As of 15th March 2020, all public swimming pools under the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports nationwide will be temporarily closed until further notice.


25.          Evidence suggests that the COVID-19 may have originated from animals. Do I need to avoid live animals locally, including my pets?

No. This advice is meant primarily for members of the public who are overseas or planning to travel overseas, and may come into contact with live animals, poultry and birds. Currently, there is no evidence of animal to human transmission in Brunei. Hence, there is no known risk of people being infected by COVID-19 through their pets or other animals.


26.          When to use a mask

  • If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with suspected 2019-nCoV infection.
  • Wear a mask if you are coughing or sneezing.
  • Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
  • If you wear a mask, then you must know how to use it and dispose of it properly.


27.          How to put on, use, take off and dispose of a mask

    • Before putting on a mask, clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
    • Cover mouth and nose with mask and make sure there are no gaps between your face and the mask.
    • Avoid touching the mask while using it; if you do, clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
    • Replace the mask with a new one as soon as it is damp and do not re-use single-use masks.
    • To remove the mask: remove it from behind (do not touch the front of mask); discard immediately in a closed bin; clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.


28.          Can I still travel to countries where COVID-19 has occurred? Can I travel to Brunei? 

As of 16th March 2020, a temporary outbound travel restriction has been imposed for all citizens, permanent residents of Brunei Darussalam and foreign nationalities holding valid green identification cards (IC) with the exception of certain circumstances subject to approval from the Prime Minister's Office.  This restriction is not applicable to visitors with tourist visas and they are allowed to leave the country. 

As of 24th March 2020, all foreign nationals are not allowed to enter Brunei Darussalam. This restriction includes applications for visa on arrival, visitor pass, student pass and dependent pass. Those who have been granted visitor pass, student pass, dependent pass or re-entry visas and are still in their own countries of origin, are asked to postpone their travel to Brunei for the time being. For further enquiries, please call 2383106 during office hours.

As the COVID-19 situation is rapidly changing, you are advised to keep abreast with the latest updates from the Ministry of Health as well as the Ministry of Home Affairs website and press releases.  If you have any queries related to COVID-19, you may call the Health Advice Line at 148.


29.          How long is the incubation period? If somebody travels to cities with confirmed cases, how many days of no-symptoms after the travel, will he/she then be considered clean and disease-free?

Data from cases in China suggests that the incubation period is up to 14 days. Therefore, travelers are advised to monitor their health closely for at least 2 weeks upon return to Brunei. You are advised to seek medical attention promptly if you feel unwell, and to also inform your doctor of your travel history. Please call the Health Advice Line 148 for further advice.


30.          What do I do if I have returned from affected countries and develop symptoms?

 As of 17th March 2020, any individual arriving in Brunei Darussalam, regardless of nationality, will be required to undergo self-isolation for 14 days from the date of arrival. A self-isolation notice will be served at the border control posts, including the Brunei International Airport.  During the isolation period, if you become unwell with fever or respiratory symptoms (such as cough, runny nose, sore throat, shortness of breath), please call the Health Advice Line at 148 for the necessary advice. 


31.          If I defer or postpone my travel to the affected countries, will travel insurance cover my trip cancellation, postponement of flight tickets and hotels?

 It is advised for you to check with your respective travel insurance providers for information on coverage and compensation.

Update: As of 16th March 2020, a temporary outbound travel restriction has been imposed for all citizens, permanent residents of Brunei Darussalam and foreign nationalities holding valid green identification cards (IC) with the exception of urgent cases with approval from the Prime Minister's Office.  This restriction is not applicable to visitors with tourist visas and they are allowed to leave the country. 


For FAQs related to mass gatherings, please visit:

For FAQs related to use of public facilities, please visit:
