CAPTION 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

CAPTION 2 Duis pharetra semper tellus in gravida. Integer arcu purus

CAPTION 3 Integer arcu purus, pulvinar non dui quis,

CAPTION 4 fringilla congue elit.

CAPTION 5 Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

CAPTION 6 Vestibulum eu suscipit lacus. Proin non nisl at sapien tempor tincidunt nec eget augue. Praesent et commodo lectus

Featured Article

Advice during hot weather

  • Ensure that room temperature remains cool (below 32°C in the morning and 24°C at night)

  • Wear loose clothing, a hat and sunglasses when outside.

  • Never leave anyone in a parked car under the sun.

  • Drink lots of water frequently.

  • If necessary, only perform outdoor activities during the day, when sheltered from the sun.

  • When suffering from muscle spasms/cramps, immediately move to a cool room and drink rehydration fluids.

  • See a doctor immediately, if muscle spasms/cramps exceed 1 hour or experiencing unusual symptoms.

  • If experiencing dizziness, weakness or extreme thirst move to a cool room cool as quickly as possible.

Ministry of Health organisation structure and priorities

Against the backdrop of rising number of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the country, demographic shifts, rising expectations of our citizens and coupled with the global economic pressure, a new approach is needed whereby the Ministry can no longer operate with ‘business as usual’ attitude. The recent reorganisation is aimed to minimise duplication of services and reduce wastage of resources, with a focus on clear high-impact outcomes. Click here to learn more

2015 Health Statistics

Prescription Drugs


Total Number of Hospitals


New Drugs in Market


Immunizations (MMR)


Dengue Patients Saved


Mobile Percentage


Birthrate - MOrtality Ratio


Total Population


Healthline Online: Tips for healthy living

The Healthline was a telephone service operated by the Health Promotion Centre during working hours to give information and advice on healthy lifestyles, such as healthy eating, exercise and so on, to the general public. Now that the service has been merged with talian Darussalam 123, Healthline Online takes that same health information to the web, into an easy digestible format for everyone to access. Click here for more

Mind your mind online

Worried about your mental health? Did you know you can protect your mental health through exercise and regular meditation/prayer? If you're having mental health problems, you're not alone. One in four of us will have problems with our mental health at some time in our lives. Mind your mind online is full of advice on how to protect your mental wellbeing and when to get help. Click here for more

Dieases and conditions

What is Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease? Should I be worried about ZIka? Did you know that Malaria has been eliminated in Brunei Darussalam? Diseases and conditions explain more on the different types of diseases and ailments that you either heard about in the news or are commonly found around the coutry. Click here for more

Ease of doing business

Is your business thinking of hiring someone from overseas and you want to find out more about the Foreign Worker Health Screening programme? Do you wish to open a new business based on a wonderful cosmetic brand you found on a recent business trip? If you have business with MOH, you will find everything you need to know right here. Click here for more

Health Advisory

Be prepared! Whether you are travelling to another continent, or you want to learn how to prepare yourself for a natural disaster, or you want to learn how to keep your environment free from mosquitoes, it pays to know what to do and plan ahead. Click here for more

The Darussalam Line

Do you have a query? for the Ministry oif Health? Do you wish to make a complaint or give feedback to our services? Call 123 now or click the link.




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