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Psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality.

It is a symptom of a serious mental disorder that is usually severe.

Features include delusions (a fixed, false and unshakable belief), hallucinations (a sensory perception in the absence of any stimuli) or unusual or bizarre behavior.

Psychotic disorders can be triggered by stress, drug or alcohol use, or can appear on their own.

The following types of disorders may have psychotic symptoms:


-bipolar disorder

-psychotic depression

-delusional disorder



Typically, a person will show changes in his or her behavior before psychosis develops. Some warning signs of psychosis include:

-Deterioration in school or work performance

-Suspiciousness, paranoid ideas

-Withdrawing socially, spending a lot more time alone than usual

-Decline in self-care or personal hygiene

-Difficulty telling reality from fantasy

-Confused speech or difficulty communicating



Treating psychosis may involve a combination of medications (antipsychotics) and psychological therapy.

Most people will experience an improvement in their symptoms with treatment.

 Medications can reduce symptoms and help people think more clearly.

  • As Outpatient in clinic
  • As Inpatient in hospital


If you notice your family members or relatives showed unusual behaviors or well-being, PLEASE SEEK ADVICE OR HELP

If you notice your family or relatives show any unusual or bizarre behavior which could risk of harming others or himself/ herself, PLEASE SEEK IMMEDIATE HELP.

Local Area Clinic / Health Centre

If you suspect a family member / friend are experiencing any of the symptoms above and are stable, bring them to see a doctor at your nearest health centre

Accident and Emergency

If you feel a family member or friend require urgent attention and are stable, bring them to an Accident & Emergency department

Should they be a threat to you or others, seek assistance from the police


Call 2454644 (Outpatient Psychiatric Services) during working hours. 

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