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Information| List of Diseases | Flowchart | Applications Forms | Accredited Facilities | Reaccreditations | Medical Report Form | Information For Facilities on Medical Examination Procedure


Facilities are accredited for a certain period of time as per letter of appointment of the facility. Once the accreditation expires, facilities needs to reapply to the Ministry of Health, Brunei Darussalam for reaccreditation to be able to continue performing the pre-departure medical fitness examinations.

Facilities are advised to apply for reaccreditation by filling up the "Application Form for Reaccreditation of Health, Radiology and Laboratory Facilities" and to send it to the address below and to reach us at least one month before the accreditation period expires.

Please note that the above application forms are for facilities currently accredited and appointed within the period of accreditation. For:

i) new facilities, or

ii) those who were previously accredited and did not reapply for accreditation after the accreditation period expires but has decided to reapply for accreditation again,

will have to fill in the "Application Form For Accreditation of Health, Radiology and Laboratory"