Tenders & Quotations
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To supply, delivery and, install new dicom-ready accessory pc and to conduct software and data migration from existing pc of one unit durr intra-oral x-ray model: phot x-11 505 bme1806, at national dental center
Start Date: 18 February 2025
Closing Date: 15 March 2025
Terms and Conditions
The relevant/complete documents and forms are available from the counter of MOH Procurement Division, after full payment of tender/quotation fee has been made at the counter of MOH Finance Division, during government working hours. Both counters are located at Ground Floor, Ministry of Health, Commonwealth Drive, Bandar Seri Begawan.
Bids have to be delivered in an enclosed envelope stating clearly the reference number and title of the relevant Quotation or Tender along with the closing date without identifying the supplier. The Bids shall be addressed to and subsequently submitted into the respective
Quotation Box (Peti Sebutharga Kementerian Kesihatan) or Tender Box (Peti Tawaran Kementerian Kesihatan). The details are as follows:
Ministry of Health
Quotation Box, Ground Floor
Ministry of Health
Commonwealth Drive
Bandar Seri Begawan BB3910
Brunei Darussalam
Ministry of Health
Tender Box, Ground Floor
Ministry of Health
Commonwealth Drive
Bandar Seri Begawan BB3910
Brunei Darussalam
Bids have to be sent with required forms completed and delivered no later than 2pm on closing date as advertised (please also note the closing time may change during month of Ramadhan). Bids received after the set date, time and/or into incorrect submission box will not be entertained.
The Quotation/Tender Fee for each bid is as advertised and only Cash Terms (including debit/credit cards) will be accepted (please note that the fee is non-refundable). Payment can only be made at the counter of MOH Finance Division, Ground Floor, Ministry of Health, Commonwealth Drive, Bandar Seri Begawan during Government office working hours.
Opening Hours for Receiving Payment
MONDAY – THURSDAY | 8.00 – 11.00 AM 2.00 – 3.00 PM |
SATURDAY | 8.00 – 10.00 AM |
Opening Hours for Receiving Payment
(During Ramadhan)
MONDAY – THURSDAY | 8.00 – 11.00 AM |
SATURDAY | 8.00 – 10.30 AM |
Submission of bids are open to all suppliers who completed the aforementioned forms and also fulfill the following criteria:
A valid business license and is registered at the Ministry of Health and/or Ministry of Development (where applicable). While for prospective suppliers of medicines and drugs bids must posess a valid Poison License as stated in the ‘Poison Act’ (Cap. 114).
Suppliers that reject or revoke an offer or a contract bid after permission is obtained will be penalised in accordance with the rules and guidelines provided by the State Tender Board.
Please note that the Government of His Majesty Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam will not necessarily select the lowest bid submitted and the selection of a bid will be based on a number of factors.