Along with the Mental Health Strategy Unit, Health Promotion Centre, Clinical and Community Psychology Services and Talian Harapan 145, Psychiatry Services, RIPAS Hospital provides mental health services for the population of Brunei Darussalam. The department began as a single ward in the old General Hospital in Bandar Seri Begawan. In 1984, it then relocated to Ward 5 in the RIPAS Hospital. Over time, the department has expanded its services and in 2017, it moved to its current location in Simpang 253-79, Kg Kiarong.
Our contact numbers are:
- General administrative enquiries: 2454993
- General clinic enquiries: 2454644
- Child & Adolescent clinic enquiries: 2425090
- Female Inpatient ward: 2455259
- Male Inpatient ward: 2455636