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Hajah Zahrah Hashim

Head, Office of Policy And Foresight

Hajah Zahrah is currently heading the Office of Policy and Foresight (since April 2016). At the start of her career in 1985 Zahrah joined the Ministry by becoming a pharmacist. She moved to the Research and Development Division in 2004. She later went on to lead the Department of Policy and Planning from 2011 until 2016.

During her time as a pharmacist she coordinated the establishment and implementation of quality assurance programme for pharmaceuticals. She was also involved in the development of strategies, policies and health legislation and the Establishment of Master Plan on Health System and Infrastructure for Brunei

Darussalam. She was also a focal for international and bilateral affairs on health – world health assemblies, regional committee meetings of the ASEAN, WHO, Commonwealth, APEC and OIC (2011-2016)

​Zahrah, has a Bachelor of Science (1985) and Masters of Science (Chemistry) (1988) and participated in the 15th Executive Development Programme for Senior Government Officers (2011).

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